Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Moosilauke summit

Originally uploaded by kenmore_photos.
The summit of the mountain was an amazing scene. When I crested the summit the winds were howling (50mph - according to Mt. Washington weather station). It was difficult to stand and I quickly searched for some rocks to shelter behind. Much to my surprise every rock, nook and cranny had people cowering behind it. There was even some old stone wall foundations for a Hotel that sat up here in the 20's. It was sheltering hordes of Dartmouth freshman on the orientation trips (welcome to college!). Finally I spotted a small rock just beneath the summit sign that looked like I could fit behind. Sure enough, if I slouched down, it did the trick. I had some snacks and water and snapped this picture with the sign in the background. Comfortably out of the wind I set about counting the number of people on the summit. My guess was close to 50 although there could have been a few wormed into the rocks looking for shelter that I missed. More people were arriving by the minute so I decided not to hang around too long. Just before heading out I helped a couple take some pictures by the summit sign. It was a challenge getting them over to the sign (under full bore of the wind) and then snapping a shot. They even took a shot of me(with my camera)... but it seems my camera froze up at this point as I don't have the picture. Everything safely stowed back in my pack I headed down to the south summit.

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