Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hiking into summer

Originally uploaded by kenmores
Time for a hike up the Luskville falls to the Firetower. This is rapidly becoming an annual rite of spring. This year we haven’t really had spring per se just a binary switch from winter to summer but regardless it was time to get this hike in. I tried to convince the guys there was still time to get one more ski in… but they had hiking on the mind. I’ll get another ski or two in this week but in truth, it’s getting pretty sparse up there. Harder and harder to find a continuous stretch of snow to ski on.

Bryan, Mike, Dave and I headed up the trail on Monday morning under sunny skies and warm temperatures – beautiful day. From the minute we got out of the cars we could hear the water pounding down the escarpment. The heavy winter snows and hot days over the last week have turned the falls into a torrent. Not sure I ‘ve ever seen them hammering down so fiercely. Up the trail to the tower there were only a few shady spots that held snow. The rest of the trail was bone dry and easy walking. A quick break at the Pontiac lookout and then we headed over to the firetower. Hard to believe I skied out here a week ago under mid-winter like conditions – okay maybe it was a little warm to be considered mid winter. The groomed trail had receded back into the shady forest and even there was fading fast. Lunch break on the summit and we collected what snow we could find to make a natural chiller for the summit beverages. A few people came up and went down while we dozed in the summer sun but being Monday it was pretty quiet. Working our way back down we stumbled into a small herd of deer that seemed pretty happy to see the end of the snow (and none too concerned with our presence). Lots of food for them to snack on and no more postholeing in the deep snow. Back at the cars we drove to the local fry shack for the celebratory poutine. Summers here! Who needs spring anyway?

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