Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Winter Arrives

Framed winter
Originally uploaded by kenmores
kay, it’s an old picture... but I'm sure it's what it looked like yesterday afternoon. I went skiing last night amidst the big storm that dropped 30+ cm of snow on us. I waited until quite late to allow the evening commuters to stumble home and barricade themselves inside their homes. At around 10pm I drove into the night - just me and the army of snow plow contractors out on the roads. I headed up to P7 to ski a few drops of Penguin. I had hoped I'd have first tracks, or at least the previous skiers tracks would be well snowed in but no luck. There was someone else there making some turns as well. We politely waved at each other as we alternated cruising down while the other headed up. Cursing each other for chewing up our snow? Perhaps, but there was still lots of chances to figure eight each others loops. After a few laps of Penguin I headed over to trail 8 and took another couple of laps. Dropping into these steeps with some fresh, dry powder on them is a surreal experience - totally different from skiing them on groomed tracks. The skis float, the turns come around lazily and nothing seems to be in a rush. Always good fun and worth the drive to be sure. Just last weekend I was looking at the wall of skis in my front hall - patiently waiting for their turn on the snow - and wondered why on earth I own so many pairs of skis. I can only wear one pair at a time after all. Last night I plucked the wide boards from the wall and they were just the right thing - glad I still have a pair of them around for nights like this.


Anonymous said...

Do people like you ever get sick of skiing? Is it possible to get all skied-out by Christmas? Guess we'll know by the time this winter is over! -M

Kenmore said...

Do I tire of skiing? hmmmm,.... no. ;-)