Sunday, December 14, 2008

A perfect day for a ski

Friday night the temperature went down to a blustery -22C (-29C with the windchill). Yesterday the temperature gently rose and I finally braved the cold at 9pm (-15C) for a good ski on the Parkway. Today - temperature still climbing to about -7C - I joined Mike, Bryan and fam. and headed into Healey cabin on a beautiful winter day. Tomorrow it’s supposed to be raining and +9C. As someone who studies building materials these rapid changes in temperature (30 degrees in a few days!) are an excellent chance to see durability of materials in action. As a skier - bleah! Why can’t it be -5C all winter long?

Bryan had organized a family ski outing on his birthday and invited Mike and I to come along. It’s becoming an annual event and this year, along with his Dad, his two daughters joined us. Mike, claiming to be pretty sore from his previous days skiing was tentative but sure enough there he was in the lot as I pulled in. Granted it took him a few painful strides to get into his rhythm but once on the move he was all smiles. And why not - warm temperatures, perfect snow, nicely set track - all the ingredients for a great day of skiing. Mike and I caught up to all three generations of Bryan's family part way along the trail and we joined them for the ski into Healey cabin. Bryan thought the pace might be slow but his daughters are already displaying good Beckie Scott/Sara Renner technique. Bryan better work on his fitness or in a season or two he won’t have a chance to keep up to these two (it’s okay man, Mike ain’t getting any faster ;-) Once at the cabin we had a lunch of chocolate, toasted sandwiches and a variety of fruit... and chocolate, all with a good “floor show” at the busy bird feeder.

After lunch the crew headed back to the car but I continued on along the Pine road out to Lac Phillippe. The snow was beautiful and some more started to fall as I skied along. Shame that wet weather is coming tomorrow to mess all these trails up. Ah well, such is winter. More snow will come again but I’ll enjoy these days while I’ve got them.

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