Saturday, December 20, 2008


The weather forecasters called for snowmagedon yesterday. Its winter and its snowing - alert the media? I suppose - being caught between two back to back snow storms puts us in the eye of the snowicane? Actually, snowmagedon went a little south of us so we only ended up with a snowaster (or was it a snowgedy). With all this drama, I went skiing...

I chose the nice tree covered confines of P12 to ski up to the ridge. It gave me a nice sheltered trail and a good big climb at the start to warm up on a cold day. I was also well protected from the snowhawks that might have been circling above me. The trails were in beautiful shape and the skiing was surprisingly fast considering how cold it was. I circled out to Champlain lookout and down around the T before looping back and rolling a little ways up to the Wolf trail before finally dropping back to the car. With all this snow I'm pretty sure that Christmas should be a white one with lots of skiing opportunities. I just hope I have enough food and supplies stocked up to survive "Son of Snowmagedon" (or is it Snowmagedon II) which rolls into town tomorrow.


Michael said...

Snowzella was certainly kind to the trails in the Lac Phillipe sector...I say bring it on!!

Kenmore said...

Indeed, its been good most everywhere in the park. Hopefully the rain over the next few days won't do much damage... but I expect it will be fine.