Monday, January 28, 2008

Gotta believe

Approach to MacKing
Originally uploaded by kenmores
I woke up this morning and said to myself "a man's gotta believe in something so I believe I'll go skiing". The day looked stellar with the temperature drifting up towards zero and sunny skies. There's some "weather" coming over the next few days so it made for an easy decision. I lingered over the morning paper to let the "pre-work ski" crowd get cleared out of the park. Instead I got an alpine start just after lunch (good paper this morning). Once on trail I found the tracks were immaculate with everything I skied on being freshly groomed (is Krusty here?). I'm making a mental note that the groomers schedule has fresh grooming on Monday morning after the weekends hordes of skiers... and so should you... if indeed fresh grooming is what you're looking for. Made a nice long classic ski tour and was just wrapping up when I got a call from a friend. He was busting out of work early and did I want to go for a ski? Yes I did. He was going to skate but as luck would have it I still had my skating skis in the car from the weekend so - after a brief pit stop at the M&R to refuel I met up with him and we skated a nice loop. Fortunately he doesn't ski as much as he used to so I was able to hang on to his pace in spite of my earlier ski. Daylight held for as long as it could (~ 5pm or so) but by the time we were back it was good and dark. Time for a burger and beer.

Hmmm, classic ski + skate ski = duathalon.... perhaps classic ski+skate ski+ burger and beer = triathalon?


Michael said...

what? No poutine??

Kenmore said...

Man, what a rookie mistake!!
The burgers looked really good and the beer... well forgetaboutit.