Sunday, January 20, 2008

Weekend skiing

Yellow Tape
Originally uploaded by kenmores
Got in some good skiing this weekend. I did a large loop up near Lac Phillipe on Saturday under a mixed bag of weather. It snowed hard, was gray, had some sunny breaks and a few patches of blue sky before snowing some more and then closed with a nice sunset – all at ~ -5C. The trails had a few interesting water hazards along the way (pictured) and a few interesting bumps where perhaps water once was. Still plenty of signs of the big thaw. Hopefully more snow and colder weather will cure that.

Sunday I awoke to much colder temperatures. First thing in the morning it was –20C and I was off to help out with the Richmond road races (5 and 10k runs). I thought it would be pretty frigid but with no wind it was actually quite a pleasant morning (got a free toque out of the deal so you can’t beat that!). With positive energy from the runners I raced home, had a quick lunch and headed up to the Park… but the wind had kicked up so it was pretty frigid after all. As luck would have it I forgot my water bottle (Freudian oversight?) so I made a relatively short loop and raced home to football, a fire and some hot food.

Unfortunately the Park seems to be falling back to poorly groomed trails again. The Parkways and “priority 1” trails are immaculately groomed (showing the new contractor knows how to “renovate” the icy trails after the January thaw) but anything off the beaten path hasn’t been touched since the big thaw – and they’re still recommending these trails on the website. The colder temperatures returned 10 days ago – seems like enough time to do the 1st priority trails and then move on to some of the secondary ones. I find that somewhat disappointing. It was still great to be out but I’m missing Lafleur more and more these days. (Will Krusty be here?)

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