Sunday, January 13, 2008

Post-January thaw skiing

Was it something I said?
Originally uploaded by kenmores
Colder temperatures have prevailed and winter is back "on". As is typical of the snow after a big thaw things were pretty icy. I chose to skate over the weekend as I assumed the trails would be pretty slick. The groomers had rolled over the main trails crunching up the ice and giving a nice surface to ski but the base is solid and icy. Made for some good fast skating. Only the main trail network has been worked on so more snow is required before the smaller trails will be skiable. Up near the lookouts the rains actually washed away most of the snow and there is just asphalt remaining... with a little snow along the shoulders. It was here that I discovered the crust cruising was pretty good. Getting out of the track and up onto the smooth snow (ice?) banks one can ski pretty well - who needs groomers! Actually it would be pretty tough to control the speed on a downhill so this was only good for flatter stretches.

I didn't take too many pictures this weekend but the weather was actually beautiful. I think this was the first sunny weather since Christmas day. The temperatures hovvered just a few degrees below zero. Strangely the trails weren't too busy but I guess most people must have expected icy conditions and stayed home. We're supposed to get some more snow this week so hopefully this will draw people back to the trails (but not too many - I need a parking spot!)

Things were pretty hectic at the birdfeeders though. The birds and squirrels are still fighting over the seeds. No manners at all for this lot.

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