Saturday, March 19, 2011

A spring ski

The important part of spring skiing!
Spring skiing is all about the right attitude...

Got out for s spring ski in the park today. Conditions were pretty nice with cold temperatures overnight and warm sunshine during the day. That weather recipe isn't only for maple syrup produces - it makes for some sweet skiing as well! Skied up to Lusk cabin which probably has the best deck for enjoying the sunshine. The climb itself was a little icy in spots but the warm sunshine was working hard to soften the tracks. Spent a long time on the deck enjoying the sunshine and feeding the local landlords before finally coaxing myself back onto the boards for a little more skiing.

Inspecting the buffet
The local landlords collecting the "rent". Birds don't like raisins!? Who knew!

The snow pack up at Lac Phillippe is a little lower than in other parts of the park and small patches of road are starting to show here and there but not so much as to spoil the skiing. I would wager another good weekend of skiing to be had and then perhaps a weekend of semi good skiing at least before its time to call it quits. And maybe we'll get another snowstorm! Guess we'll see what happens and keep a ski selection ready for whatever comes in the next little while.

Open water and great tracks
Spring appears to be taking hold...

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