Well I hung up the skis last weekend after a nice ski (and a bunch of short hikes) in the sunshine. It was getting to be more hiking than skiing which is always the cue for me to call it quits. All in all though, not too bad a ski season. Things got off a little slowly but to ski until April 21st is an accomplishment I can’t recall doing in recent memory. I always say, if I can ski into April then I’ve done okay and we’ve far surpassed that.
A little snow here and there
With the last snow behind me it was a quick change over to the bike. Applying storage wax to the skis and tucking them in the closet left lots of room in the workshop and putting the bikes together was no problem. After a “test ride” in town I took the bike back up to P10 last night and had a nice, quick ride up to the lookouts. In this case it was the reverse of Sunday’s ski with short walks across the snow and easy pedaling on the asphalt. Surprising how much more asphalt had opened up since the weekend but not so complete that I didn’t have to walk a couple of stretches. Can't ride on the trails just yet as they don't open until May 15th (once they've dried up a bit) but the parkway remains closed to traffic for now. It will probably be a while before they get all the debris cleared from the storm back in Decemeber... so some more traffic free riding up there and good times ahead!
Nice quiet evening at the lookout
Also interesting to see the wildlife having to fight over the available open water. Still a fair amount of ice on the bigger lakes so there was a little crowding on the smaller ponds and some grumpy residents that were unhappy about having new “neighbours”. I’m sure all will be sorted in short order as we get a little more summery weather this weekend and the rest of the lake ice melts away.
Getting to know the new neighbours
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