Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Still here

New Ed water station
Originally uploaded by kenmores
Haven't posted in a while and was reminded I should update my tens of loyal readers where I am at. Two weekends ago was Race Weekend and I was, as always, run off my feet busy... but thats okay, its always a good time(and they give me a snazzy truck to roar around in so thats good). No actual pictures from the races(this one is from last year) as I just don't seem to have time to do anything but the task at hand.... set up the course, tear down the course, keep my crews rolling and get the Police on and off duty as efficiently as possible to keep costs down. It all went fairly smoothly this year so that's always a plus and it was nice weather so that's a bonus. One year it will surely be miserable weather - law of averages I suppose - but until then I keep praying for sunny days and (so far) for the most part keep getting them.

After showing 33,000 of my closest friends a good tour of Ottawa, I decided the next weekend would be a bit of a decompression period. Unfortunately it rained most of the weekend so I didn't get out to the woods. Instead I thought I would finally go down and tour the new War museum. It's only been open for 5 or 6 years so it was time to pay it a visit. I thought it would be a nice quiet way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon. As it turns out they have a constant soundtrack running in the museum (bombs going off, heavy machinery etc.) so in fact the noise level is fairly high.... still a nice museum to visit and well worth the trip.

This weekend is looking to be hot and sweltering with humidex in the 40C range.... yikes!! Perfect weather to be too sweaty for words while the blackflies swarm so I may not get out to the woods much this weekend either... we'll see. Soon enough the summer hiking will begin.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Tens?? Wow, your blog is popular!