Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Originally uploaded by kenmore_photos.
My first significant trip back to the Long trail was this past weekend. I had 18miles of trail left to go and I managed to get 14.5 of them cleaned up. This doesn't sound like a lot but the trails were mostly out and back so I actually did 29 miles of hiking "on trail". Add a few more miles of access trails to get to the Long trail itself and it was a good early season of hiking.

The trails I have to hike are wholey unremarkable sections and I would only hike these sections so I can say I've hiked the whole thing. Saturday was damp, drizzly and humid as seen in this photo. An added bonus was lots of bugs :( Couple this with no real views or points of interest and it made for a long trudge in the woods. That said I met a bunch of AT hikers heading north. They were perhaps section hikers as the "thrus" are probably still a ways to the south yet. Still I had some interesting albiet brief chats with them.

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