Saturday, March 11, 2006

brule lookout

brule lookout
Originally uploaded by kenmore_photos.
Spring has sprung. It was +9C today and the tracks were mighty sloppy. There is still a lot of base though so the skiing should continue (weather permitting) for a few more weeks. Lots of people out today enjoying the sun and struggling with the snow. Those trying to ski fast were humbled and gasping for breath as their energy was sapped in the slushy snow. The rest of us (me included) took our time, shortened our route and stopped to enjoy the view. Brought a cold beer and stopped here at Etienne Brule lookout for a break. I could watch the skiers pass by below me on the parkway - most of whom claimed I had the best idea (sitting and sunning). But of course it's not my first spring ski in the park....

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